Performing enrichment workflows via the API is a two-step process.
- Identifying the right business profile
- Retrieving attributes from that profile
As a result, Enigma’s API has two principal endpoints, each serving those functions respectively.
- The Match Endpoint enables a user to identify which of Enigma’s business profile(s) corresponds to a business of interest. A user submits identifying information about a business and is returned a potential list of matching profiles with confidence levels. The result of using this endpoint is identifying an Enigma ID(s) that a user may want to query in the ID Endpoint.
- The ID Endpoint enables a user to retrieve specific attributes for a given business profile.
Additionally, Enigma offers a KYB endpoint for Know-Your-Business related lookups about business owner and registration filings.
For technical guidance around these endpoints, see the API Reference section.
Enigma recommends using the API for enrichment workflows if you are building a full integration and if:
- Your application’s concurrent request need is small (up to 50 RPS for matching and 200 RPS for ID lookups).
- Your application needs to make very frequent enrichment requests.
- You need to programmatically enrich your records.
Try out our API in our Quick Start tool or by hitting the API directly.
Note: Enigma IDs are not persistent over time. While you may find that the Enigma IDs for many businesses and business locations do not change often, we cannot guarantee their stability.
Historical API Performance
Historical Uptime is >99.95%
Endpoint | Median Latency | P95 Latency | P99 Latency |
/businesses/match | 609 ms | 1270 ms | 1723 ms |
/businesses/<id> | 47 ms | 75 ms | 130 ms |
/v1/kyb | 1310 ms | 3317 ms | 4638 ms |
Measurements taken between 2024-06-20 through 2024-08-18
P95 means that 95% of API calls are faster than this measure while P99 indicates that 99% of API calls are faster than this measure at our API gateway.
Updated 6 months ago