KYB Batch Input File Requirements

To send us a file and receive an enriched output, also known as a batch append evaluation, please follow the input guidelines below.


  • You have spoken with our sales and solutions engineering team and discussed a batch append evaluation.
  • You have a set of businesses you would like to send for KYB enrichment.


To guide you through a KYB batch append evaluation, we outlined all possible input columns we accept in input files.


At minimum, we require a business name and state for KYB matching. However, if only business name and state are available, Enigma only matches based on an exact match requirement, i.e. the legal entity name input must match exactly the name in the Enigma data asset. If a full exact legal name is not available, we highly recommend adding more inputs.

The more inputs available, the stronger the match. Here is a summary of all possible inputs we accept for KYB, which we will break down further below.

  • 2 business names
  • 2 addresses
  • 1 person (for registration matching)
  • 1 website
  • 4 people to screen (for OFAC)
  • 1 Taxpayer Identification Number (for TIN Verification)

Business Names

We accept up to 2 business names. For best results, we recommend differentiating between legal name and DBA under the columns:

  • business_name_legal
  • business_name_DBA

However, we understand this is not possible in all cases. If you are unsure which names are legal vs DBA, you can still add 2 business names. In this case, please change the column names to:

  • business_name_0
  • business_name_1

We will run each business name alongside each address to test all possible combinations for matching.


We accept up to 2 addresses, broken down by address component.

1st Address Input

  • street_address1__0
  • street_address2__0
  • city_0
  • state_0
  • city_0
  • postal_code_0

2nd Address Input

  • street_address1__1
  • street_address2__1
  • city_1
  • state_1
  • city_1
  • postal_code_1

Person (registration matching)

We accept one person, first name and last name, for registrations matching. This can be an owner or other officer associated with the business’s registration(s). We accept a maximum of one person name, separated by first and last name, under these columns:

  • first_name
  • last_name


We accept one website input under the column:

  • website

Note: we are not able to match on third-party websites. See examples below.

Websites suitable for matching:

Third-party websites we cannot match on:

    • Where the business being queried is meant to be 77Arts
    • Where the business being queried is meant to be ArtWorksDowntown

OFAC Screening

Enigma automatically screens all business names, addresses, and person names provided in the inputs above, and all business names and registered agents found in the KYB endpoint response.

Additionally, you can add 4 more people for OFAC screening in each record. For each person, we also accept birthdays and addresses for more precise screening. Please follow this schema for these inputs:

Person 1

  • persons_to_screen__first_name_0
  • persons_to_screen__last_name_0
  • persons_to_screen__dob_0
  • persons_to_screen__street_address1_0
  • persons_to_screen__street_address2_0
  • persons_to_screen__city_0
  • persons_to_screen__state_0
  • persons_to_screen__postal_code_0

Person 2

  • persons_to_screen__first_name_1
  • persons_to_screen__last_name_1
  • persons_to_screen__dob_1
  • persons_to_screen__street_address1_1
  • persons_to_screen__street_address2_1
  • persons_to_screen__city_1
  • persons_to_screen__state_1
  • persons_to_screen__postal_code_1

… and the same pattern continues for additional names (e.g. persons_to_screen__first_name_* )

Note, these inputs are strictly for OFAC screening and will not be passed through for registration matching.

TIN Verification

We accept one taxpayer identification number for TIN verification under the column:

  • tin

The TIN should be entered as a 9-digit number.

[Optional] Current Approval Status

The final column in our template is a label for whether or not this record is currently auto-approved by your current vendor (if applicable).

Please place as a TRUE/FALSE value in the column:

  • auto_approved_by_current_vendor

TRUE means a current vendor can already auto-approve business
FALSE means a current vendor cannot auto-approve this business

This column is not required for matching, but we’ve found it speeds the decision-making process by instantly revealing the incremental value Enigma’s KYB endpoint brings to auto-verification.

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