Card Revenues

The average monthly revenue a business receives from credit and debit card transactions.

See the Merchant Transaction Signals overview page for details about data sources, high-level methodology, and timeliness of this attribute.

Child attributes (and data file structure):

Column NameData TypeDescriptionExample
end_datestringThe time index of the features. All features in the row assume this is the final date, inclusive, of the calculation.2020-08-31
card_revenue__1m__start_datestringThe date that the 1-month period begins (inclusive).2020-08-01
card_revenue__1m__average_monthly_amountfloatThe business's card revenue in the month leading up to and including end_date, null if the business had fewer than 30 transactions during that period.1200.11
card_revenue__3m__start_datestringThe date that the 3-month period begins (inclusive).2020-06-01
card_revenue__3m__average_monthly_amountfloatThe business's average monthly card revenue in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date, null if the business had fewer than 30 transactions during that period.1400.77
card_revenue__12m__start_datestringThe date that the 12-month period begins (inclusive).2019-09-01
card_revenue__12m__average_monthly_amountfloatThe business's average monthly card revenue in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date, null if the business had fewer than 30 transactions during that period.3200.80

JSON Sample:

        "card_revenue": [
            "end_date": "2020-08-31"
        "1m": {
                "start_date": "2020-08-01"
            "average_monthly_amount": 1200.11
        "3m": {
                "start_date": "2020-06-01"
            "average_monthly_amount": 1400.77
        "12m": {
                "start_date": "2020-09-01"
            "average_monthly_amount": 3200.80

Other notes and tips:

  • card_revenue__average_monthly_amount doesn’t have negative values. Enigma converts all negative revenues to zero.
  • card_revenue is net of any refunds. If a business processed $100 in gross revenue and gave $10 in refunds, the card_revenue would be $90
  • card_revenue__1m__average_monthly_amount is the estimated total card revenue of that month.
  • To estimate the annual revenues of a business, multiply card_revenue__12m__average_monthly_amount by 12. This equates to the trailing 12--month revenue from the end_date.
  • To estimate the trailing 3-month revenue from the end_date, multiply card_revenue__3m__average_monthly_amount by 3.
  • Enigma does not report revenues for a business in any periods where there were fewer than 30 total transactions in order to protect the privacy of consumers and card issuers. In the instance where Enigma estimates there were fewer than 30 total transactions, the card revenues field will say “null”
    • It is common for a very small business to have a null for card_revenue__1m__average_monthly_amount but not for card_revenue__12m__average_monthly_amount, because the 12m average takes into account a significantly larger total number of transactions
  • When card revenue is null, you can use card_transaction attribute to see if there were any transactions in that period
    • Check whether card_transactions__1m__presence is True
    • If card_revenue__1m__average_monthly_amount is null but card_transactions__1m__presence is True, then the business did have a transaction in that month, but had fewer than 30 transactions
    • If card_revenue__1m__average_monthly_amount is null but card_transactions__1m__presence is False, then the business did not have any transactions in that month
  • If you are using the API, use the query parameter lookback_months to configure the number of months of historical data returned into the API response. Visit this section for more details
  • To estimate the monthly average transaction size, divide card revenue by card transactions. For example:
    • Calculate the annual average transaction size d by taking card_revenue__12m__average_monthly_amount divided by card_transactions__12m__average_monthly_count
    • Calculate the quarterly average transaction size by taking card_revenue__3m__average_monthly_amount divided by card_transactions__3m__average_monthly_count
    • Calculate the one month average transaction size by taking card_revenue__1m__average_monthly_amount divided by card_transactions__1m__average_monthly_count