Card Transactions Stability
How many days, weeks, or months a business had any credit card transactions in a particular period.
See the Merchant Transaction Signals overview page for details about data sources, high-level methodology, and timeliness of this attribute.
Child attributes (and data file structure):
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Example |
end_date | string | The time index of the features. All features in the row assume this is the final date, inclusive, of the calculation. | 2020-08-31 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__start_date | string | The date that the 1-month period begins, inclusive. | 2020-08-01 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__days_present | int | The number of days with card transactions in the month leading up to and including end_date . | 25 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__weeks_present | int | The number of weeks with card transactions in the month leading up to and including end_date . | 4 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__months_present | int | 1 if the month had any transactions, 0 otherwise. | 1 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__daily_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of days with card transactions to the total number of days in the month leading up to and including end_date . | 0.8064 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__weekly_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of weeks with card transactions to the total number of weeks in the month leading up to and including end_date . | 1 |
card_transactions_stability__1m__monthly_coverage_ratio | float | 1 if the month had any transactions, 0 otherwise. | 1 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__start_date | string | The date that the 3-month period begins, inclusive. | 2020-06-01 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__days_present | int | The number of days with card transactions in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date . | 61 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__weeks_present | int | The number of weeks with card transactions in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date . | 10 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__months_present | int | The number of months with card transactions in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date . | 3 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__daily_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of days with card transactions to the total number of days in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date . | 0.6777 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__weekly_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of weeks with card transactions to the total number of weeks in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date . | 0.7692 |
card_transactions_stability__3m__monthly_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of months with card transactions to the total number of months in the 3 months leading up to and including end_date . | 1 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__start_date | string | The date that the 12-month period begins, inclusive. | 2019-08-31 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__days_present | int | The number of days with card transactions in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date . | 110 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__weeks_present | int | The number of weeks with card transactions in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date . | 27 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__months_present | int | The number of months with card transactions in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date . | 11 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__daily_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of days with card transactions to the total number of days in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date . | 0.3013 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__weekly_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of weeks with card transactions to the total number of weeks in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date . | 0.5192 |
card_transactions_stability__12m__monthly_coverage_ratio | float | The ratio of months with card transactions to the total number of months in the 12 months leading up to and including end_date . | 0.9167 |
JSON Sample:
"card_transactions_stability": [
"end_date": "2020-08-31",
"date_accessible": "2020-11-15",
"1m": {
"start_date": "2020-08-01",
"days_present": 25,
"weeks_present": 4,
"months_present": 1,
"daily_coverage_ratio": 0.8064,
"weekly_coverage_ratio": 0.8,
"monthly_coverage_ratio": 1
"3m": {
"start_date": "2020-06-01",
"days_present": 61,
"weeks_present": 10,
"months_present": 3,
"daily_coverage_ratio": 0.6667,
"weekly_coverage_ratio": 0.7692,
"monthly_coverage_ratio": 1
"12m": {
"start_date": "2019-09-01",
"days_present": 110,
"weeks_present": 27,
"months_present": 11,
"daily_coverage_ratio": 0.3013,
"weekly_coverage_ratio": 0.5192,
"monthly_coverage_ratio": 0.9167
Other notes and tips:
Enigma uses unique card counts per day, i.e., “daily unique cards,” to estimate customer visits.
There are a few limitations with this approach: If a customer splits a purchase across two different cards, this would show up as two distinct customers. This is because Enigma is estimating customers based on unique cards not unique cardholders.
The count may not be an integer because Enigma applies a projection factor to the aggregated panel counts to estimate the total counts of each merchant
Multiplying the average daily customer by 30 can give you a proxy for the number of customers a business has. Note: this method will overestimate the number of customers because it will not take into account repeat customers in that month
Updated over 1 year ago