Transaction Types

This attribute identifies whether a business has accepted debit or credit (or both) card transactions within the latest 12M period. This is a prototype attribute; the schema and design are subject to changes, and there is generally no set timeline for productionalization. Prototypes are not available via API. Please contact the Enigma Sales team if you are interested in evaluating.

Child attributes (and data file structure)

Column NameData TypeDescriptionExample
credit_presentBooleanA boolean flag indicating whether the business has accepted credit card transactions within the last 12M.true
debit_presentBooleanA boolean flag indicating whether the business has accepted debit card transactions within the last 12M.false

Businesses: 100% for businesses with latest 12M transaction presence
Locations: 100% for locations with latest 12M transaction presence

Time structure
Current point in time (for the latest 12M period). No historical information.

Data sources
Enigma’s panel of card transactions

Enigma identifies the presence of credit and debit card transactions within the latest 12M period using our panel of card transactions

Hints and tips
This attribute is helpful for marketing and sales use cases that require segmentation of “debit-only” businesses from those that accept both credit and debit transactions