
The level of confidence Enigma has that the identity attributes describing the business are accurate, as a proxy for the legitimacy of a business. This score takes into account recency of updates, prevalence across data sources, and quality of underlying data sources.

Child attributes (and data file structure):

Column NameData TypeDescriptionExample
scorefloatA score between 0 and 1 of the freshness and quality of the underlying data sources.0.81
componentsobjectThe components of the score: data_freshness (score between 0 and 1 representing how recently the underlying data sources were updated), source_quality (score between 0 and 1 representing the quality of the underlying data sources) and data_footprint (score between 0 and 1 representing how many data sources the data comes from).data_freshness: 1.0,
source_quality: 1.0,
data_footprint: 0.53

JSON Sample:

"names": [


  • Business: 100%
  • Business Locations: 100%

Time structure:

  • Current point in time. No historical information.


  • This attribute updates twice a month, each time Enigma updates the dataset.

Data sources:

  • This score takes into account all of the data sources that Enigma uses.


  • The score is made up of three components
    • Data freshness: How recently have the data sources been updated?
    • Source quality: How high is the quality of the underlying data sources that the business shows up in?
    • Data footprint: How many data sources does the information for the business record come from?
  • For all scores between 0 and 1, 0 is the lowest score (poorest data source confidence) while 1 is the highest (strongest data source confidence).